Contributing to Gigbeans -guide

  • All the information is based on the past or upcoming gigs.
  • Everyone with an account can create and modify all the information, even the concert details related to your band. Collaboration!
  • Information can be incomplete or wrong. It’s totally ok if you don’t remember all the dates and details. Maybe someone does and can fulfil the details later on.
  • Currently is in development mode. If you want to join, please request an invite by sending an email with a few words about you to

The anatomy of the gig

  • A gig is played by a group
  • Group’s setup (Artists and Instruments) can be different on every gig
  • One event can include one or many gigs

How to add a new gig

  1. Check if the event is already listed. You can fulfil or edit the details if it is already listed.
  2. If the gig does not exist yet click Add new gig
  3. Fill the details and click Submit.
  4. Add more gigs to the same event if needed

Using Markdown:Syntax on desriptions

You can add some formatting on desriptions by using Markdown. Read more about Markdown

You can add a link to a description like this: [TEXT](URL). For example: Black motor [website](

Frequently asked questions

How to add a group without a name?
For example like this Innanen / Laihonen / Pekkola / Riippa / Tikkanen

How to add an 2-days event?
Currently use "day 1" or similar addition to the name, like H2Ö 2015 - Day 2

How to fix the group’s details? If for example an artist is listed as a member for a group but he/she isn’t
Find the gig the artist is playing and change the role of the artist. The role can be member, featuring or guest appereance.

Wanna change password?
That’s wise. Log out and click Forgot your password -link.

Contact / feedback

Please, send all the comments and questions to